連震杰 教授
Tel: 886-6-2757575 ext.62540, Fax: 886-6-2094010
Email: [email protected]
1985/09-1989/05 (學士) 中原大學、生物醫學工程系
1991/08-1993/05 (碩士) 美國、華盛頓大學、電機研究所
1993/08-1998/04 (博士) 美國、匹茲堡大學、電機研究所
1993/01-1993/08 Engineer,美國、Surface Systems, Inc. R&D
1995/05-1998/04 DARPA and NIMH Project Research Assistant,美國、Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Robotics Institute
1998/05-1998/12 DARPA and NIMH Project Research Scientist、美國、Carnegie Mellon University. School of Computer Science, Robotics Institute
1999/01-2002/07 DARPA Surveillance Project Lead at R&D 、 美 國 、 L1-Identity Corporation.
2002/08-present 助理教授、副教授、教授,國立成功大學、資訊工程學系
2015/08-present 副系主任及製造資訊與系統研究所所長
2017/02-present 自動化科技學會副秘書長
2000 2000 USA FERET Face Recognition Competition: 第 一 名 at Visionics (later became L1-Identity, 第 二 名 MIT Media Lab).
2000 DARPA Surveillance Project: Human Identification at a Distance - Multiple Measurements in Space and Time for Face Identification (BAA00-29), US$ 4 Million (Visionics Corporation).
2002 DARPA Surveillance Project: Human Identification at a Distance - Segmentation and Fused Face from Multiple Views (BAA00-29), US$ 1 Million (Visionics Corporation).
2004~2009 以電腦視覺、自動光學檢測研究為主,產學合作公司:友達,奇美,華映,茂迪, 東台,東祥.
2006 博班學生涂瀞珽獲得「亞洲微軟學者獎」,並在北京亞洲微軟實習一年。
2007 2 篇國際會議最佳論文獎(IMECS 2007 、PSIVT 2007),另 1 篇被推薦競爭 ACCV
2007 最佳論文獎,推薦率約 1% (8
篇/640 篇)。
2007 2 篇 CVGIP 會議最佳論文獎 (CVGIP 2004、 CVGIP 2007)。
2009~2013 以Embedded Intelligent Video Analytics 研究為主,產學合作公司:美國德儀(TI),
2009 榮獲成功大學 97 學年度教學特優教師.
2010 受 邀 到 德 儀 (TI) 演 講 : TI Asia Technology Day - Embedded IVA at TI Platforms: Omni-Camera Calibration & ePTZ at DM365 and Detection, Tracking and Recognition at DSP DM6437
2012 受邀到德儀(TI) 演講. TI Technology Day - Intelligent NVR at Powerful DM8168: ARM for Embedded CMS with Intelligent Search and DSP for Programmable IVA.
2013~present 以深度學習為基礎之智慧型機器手臂及自動化.
2017 受邀到亞洲微軟研究院演講:MSRA Academic Day - Quick & Accurate Robot Arm Control by Using Vision with Deep Learning.
人工智慧 (Artificial intelligence)、機器學習 (Machine Learning) □ 深度學習 (Deep Learning)
2. 智慧型機器手臂抓取及自動化 (Intelligent
Robot Arm and Automation)
3. 人機互動及擴增實境 (Human-Computer Interaction and Augmented Reality)
4. 3D自動光學檢測
(3D Automatic Optical Inspection)
影像處理,3D 電腦視覺及圖形辨識 (Image Processing, 3D Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition)
6. 嵌入式電腦視覺系統 (Embedded Computer Vision
雲端智慧型監控服務 (Intelligent
Video Surveillance as
a Service (VSaaS, Cloud
1. “智慧攻牙機開發與應用(106-2218-E-110-003-MY3)”,台灣、科技部,產學合作計畫,
“ 工
具 機 產 學 研 智 慧 製 造 技 術 價 值 創 造 與 落 實 應 用 計 畫 /
共 同 開 發
3. " 使 用 由粗 到細 最佳化 搜尋 法 搭 配分布區 域式 點 取 樣的 快速 剛性 模板 匹配(105-2221-E-006-204-)",台灣、科技部,2016/08~2017/07.
4. " 人與機器人互動之三: 建立在稀疏梯度點的最大化事後機率之3D 立體系統(104-2221-E-006-061-)",台灣、科技部,2015/08~2016/07.
" 渦卷曲線智慧化加工及檢測技術開發" , 台灣、科技部, 產學合作計畫, 2013/11~2016/10.
應用 3 維電腦視覺來強化智慧型 PCB 成型機盲撈及刀具量測功能之研發
(103CP02) ",台灣、南部科學工業園區,產學合作計畫,2014/06~2015/05.
Book Chapter:
1. C.T. Tu ( 我 的 學 生 ) and J.J. Lien, Pattern Recognition, Machine Intelligence and Biometrics - Facial Occlusion Reconstruction Using Direct Combined Model, Chapter 20, pp. 527~544, HEP/Springer, 2011. ISBN-13: 978-364-222-406-5
International Conference – Intelligent Robot Arm:
Y. Cheung, Y.T. Huang and J.J. Lien
“Adaptive Control of Robots with Target Motion Estimation-based Visual Tracking
Controller for Moving Object Interception” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS), Germany, 2015. (Oral) Acceptance Rate
= 3.4% (72/2134)
Y. Cheung, Y.T. Huang and J.J. Lien
“Adaptive Robotic Interceptions of Moving Targets with a Target Motion
Estimation-based Visual Tracking Controller”, IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC) , Hong Kong , 2015. Acceptance Rate =
15% (141/946)
SCI Journal Paper:
1. C.T.
Tu, P.C. Lin, and J.J. Lien, “ Free-hand Sketches for 3D Model Retrieval Using
Cascaded LSDA,“ Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1-17, 2016. (SCI) Impact Factor
= 1.374, Ranking =31.37% (32/102)
2. J.C.
Chen, P.H. Wu, and J.J. Lien,
“Discriminant Metric Learning Approach for Face Verification,” KSII
Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 134-153,
2015. (SCI) Impact Factor = 0.561, Ranking =84.89% (118/139)
3. C.C. Tseng (我的學生), J.C.
Chen (我的學生), C.H. Fang (我的學生), and J.J. Lien,
“Human Action Recognition Based on Graph-embedded Spatio-temporal Subspace,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 45, No.
10, pp. 3611-3624, 2012. (SCI & EI) Impact Factor =
2.682, Ranking =7.29% (18/247)
4. C.C. Tseng (我的學生) and J.J. Lien, “Colored Exaggerative Caricature Creation Using
Inter- and Intra-Correlations of Feature
Shapes and Positions, ” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 15-25,
2012. (SCI & EI) Impact Factor = 1.578, Ranking
=21% (21/99)
5. J. Y. Wu (我的學生) and J.J. Lien, “3D Facial Surface Reconstruction Using Integrated Orthographic Projection Models to Approximate Perspective Projection
Model, ” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,
Vol. 8, No. 1B,
pp. 807-825, 2012. (SCI & EI) Impact Factor = 1.667, Ranking = 20% (12/60)
W.S. Chu (我的學生), J.C. Chen (我的學生), and J.J. Lien, “Kernel Discriminant
Transformation for Image Set-Based Face Recognition,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 1567-1580, 2011. (SCI & EI) Impact Factor = 2.682, Ranking =7.29% (18/247)
7. T.H.
Wang (我的學生), C.W. Fang (我的學生), M.C.
Sung (我的學生), and
J.J. Lien, “Photography Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Tone and Color Mappings in Adaptive Local Region,” IEEE Transactions on
Image Processing, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp.
3089-3105, 2010. (SCI & EI) Impact Factor = 2.918, Ranking = 5.26% (13/247)
8. C.T. Tu (我的學生) and J.J. Lien, “Automatic Location of Facial Feature Points
Synthesis of Facial Sketches Using Direct Combined Model,” IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 1158-1169, 2010. (SCI & EI) Impact Factor = 2.361, Ranking = 11.8% (2/17)
9. W.T. Su
(我的學生), J.C. Chen (我的學生), and J.J. Lien,
“Region-Based Image Retrieval System with Heuristic Pre-Clustering Relevance Feedback,” Expert Systems
with Applications, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 4984-4998, 2010. (SCI
& EI) Impact Factor =
1.926, Ranking = 20% (15/75)